No More Donations Please

Hello, all you generous quilters out there!

We are no longer taking donations of fabric or completed quilts. We have more than enough fabric to make about a dozen more quilts and we have many that still need binding and labelling and then they need to be delivered.

Unfortunately, the amount of time both Effie and I have to quilt for charity has been reduced drastically.

If you have a completed quilt, you can deliver it yourself to the Oncology Department at Westmead Children’s Hospital. Any one of the nurses in that department would be more than happy to take any quilts off your hands.

As for donating fabrics, I don’t know of any other groups or people that are taking them in for charity so you may need to search around for that.

Once all the quilts are finished, photographed and delivered I will update the blog with photos.

It has been a pleasure making these quilts, Effie and I have enjoyed doing over the past few years.

Happy quilting,
