Donation from Madeleine

Yesterday I received a wonderful parcel from Madeleine who lives in Western Australia.
Thank you Madeleine.
She has sent a absolutely gorgeous quilt top, backing and binding to Sew Generous.
Beautiful Quilt Top
Don’t you just love this backing fabric

Red binding
We are in May and at the moment we have 13 quilts in different stages of completion for donation. This well and truly exceeds our goal of eight quilts in one year.
My DD is off to Westmead Children’s Hospital on Monday for a day procedure – unfortunately I will not be able to have any of the quilts completed by then for delivery! Not to mention I don’t have any quilt labels (see previous post). But I will try and drop in and have a chat to the coordinator of Quilt for Keeps if she is available and let her know what will be coming her soon.

New Labels

I was so thrilled when I opened up a parcel from Spoonflower the other day and saw all my beautiful quilt labels.

I was really, really excited. That was until I decided to go to the Sew Generous blog to post about it. Can anyone take a guess at why I am no longer excited?!
I guess I am so used to typing/saying that I just automatically say – and there lies the problem. The blog address is sew It was entirely my own fault for not checking and rechecking.
So how to solve the problem – the only way to be able to use these beautiful labels was to buy the sew domain name. Sounds simple but it is not so. To actually buy a domain name you need to have a business name and ABN number for that business name which I don’t have as this blog as it is a charity blog, the only option open to me was So to make a long story short I have bought the domain name of The Sew Generous blog can still be found at and also now at Unfortunately this does not solve my label problem – I had to remake the labels with the new web address and get them reprinted at Spoonflower.
Lesson of day – double check your details!